- 4-channelcoupler isolated inputs, high reliability and stability.
- 4-channelrelay dry contact output, contact current is 30V 1A
- 4-channel5V voltage output。
- collocatewireless data transmission module with 2-3km.
Working frequency 433MHz(400-470MHz);
RF power: 500mW;
Receive sensitivity: -120dBm - Receivecurrent: 30mA; transmitting current: 300mA
- Powersupply: DC 9-15V
- Size:82mm*82mm
4channel ON-OFF DI and DO transmitting timely. The 4 channel ON-OFF conditionfor the transmitting equipment can be output timely at the receiver equipment.That is the ON-OFF condition for the transmitting equipment is shut down, whilethe ON-OFF condition will be shut down at the receiver equipment; and thetransmitting equipment is disconnect, while the receiver equipment willdisconnect.
The following is the schematic diagram ofthe ON-OFF transmission.
Schematic diagram
1、 4-channelcoupler isolated inputs, high reliability and stability.
2、 4-channelrelay dry contact output, contact current is 30V 1A.
3、 4-channel5V voltage output。
4、 collocatewireless data transmission module with 2-3km.
Working frequency 433MHz(400-470MHz);
RF power: 500mW;
Receive sensitivity: -120dBm
5、 Receivecurrent: 30mA; transmitting current: 300mA
6、 Powersupply: DC 9-15V
7、 Size:82mm*82mm