● frequency: 150/230/450 MHz
● frequency tolerance: ±2.5ppm
● frequency tolerance: 25KHz
● antenna impedance: 50Ω
● environment temperature: -20 ℃~+55 ℃
● modulate mode: PSK/QPSK/TCM-16QAM
● data transmission speed: 1200/2400bpsI: Application of YS-668
Applicable Field: Shipping, traffic, interphone system of taxi,industrial automatic control, electric power schedule, water conservancymonitor, signal collection and transmission of railway system, oil extractionand transportation control, measure of oil or water wells, hydrologicalmonitor, weather information transmission, environment monitor, containermanagement, goods management in supermarket, forest protection, intelligentbuilding, wireless beaconing, geological reconnoiter, mobile location, militarytraining, public security, medical ward, remote controlling and remotedetecting, and others automatic control fields.
YS-668 Data Transmission Radio Station is a high performance professionaldata transmission radio station combined DSP technology and software wirelesstechnology.
II: Features:
- Modulateand demodulate algorithm is realized by software using advanced and reliableDSP technology for high speed digital signal.
- Highspeed digital signal transmission is realized by adopting advance communicationalgorithm such as wave-form transaction and bandwidth compress etc.
- To getbest receive performance, quickly self-adapt equilibrium technology is adoptedto eliminate the ware-form distortion caused by multi-path, (relay) group delayduring the transmission.
- Combination of powerful feedforward put right code GF(256)Reed-Solomonand complect algorithm guarantees reliable communication in the badenvironment.
- WithCRC-ARQ function and 16bit circular verification code, it will requireautomatically re-sending the data when the error code occurs during dataverification.
- Watchdogis used to prevent from shutting down caused by the disturbance in theindustrial environment.
- Self-adapt transmission speed; adjust automatically among19200/14400/9600bps according to the quality of signal channel.
- doublephase-lock loop, double VCO structure, high stability.
- StandardTTL, RS232 (or 485) interface; directly connect to Single Chip or PersonalComputers.
- Settransmit frequency and change channel and work mode by computer.
- Usingdivided packed transmission, it can be used to construct a wireless groupingdata communication net, maximal 254 users in the net.
- SupportAT instruction, user can set running parameters and status by software.
- Allproducts adopt surface paste technology, which guarantees the stability andreliability of the products.
- Flexiblenet building protocol: support several net building mode such as fulltransparency, poll, CSMA(carrier wave ?? multi-address) etc.
Technical specification
● frequency: 150/230/450 MHz
● frequency tolerance: ±2.5ppm
● frequency tolerance: 25KHz
● antenna impedance: 50Ω
● environment temperature: -20 ℃~+55 ℃
● modulate mode: PSK/QPSK/TCM-16QAM
● data transmission speed: 1200/2400bps
● sensitivity: ≤0.25uV
● ignal Noise Ratio(SNR): ≤-45dB
● Adjacent Channel Selectivity: ≥65dB
● Inter modulation interference: ≥60dB
● Spurious respouse immunity: ≥65dB
● Transmit Power: 5-25W
● modulate distortion: ≤5%
● residual frequency modulation: ≤-40dB
● frequency deviation: ≤5KHz
● ortho-channel power ratio: ≤-65dB
● stray power: ≤5uW
● RF distance: 20km(25W RF power in the open air)
3、Power supply
● DC: 1 2 V
● waiting current: ≤ 1 6 0 m A
● transmit current: ≤ 6 A ( transmit power 25W )